Saturday, November 19, 2011

Democracy sometimes can be too much of a good thing


November 19, 2011


A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum - commerce.

A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum - commerce. Photo: Geoff Strong

It was the British wartime bulldog Winston Churchill who quipped that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried.

Given that the West is still trying to market the idea to countries that have great trouble trying, or like China are not trying at all, it is strange that the leaders of the world's most powerful democracies have seemed of late to be so eager to limit it in the countries where it was invented and nurtured. In Greece, where the democratic idea was first tried, and Italy, where the Roman Republic flourished before being corrupted into the Roman Empire, prime ministers originally approved by the electors have been forced out and replaced by those approved by the finance markets.

In his speech on Thursday to the Australian Federal Parliament, US President Barack Obama said history showed that democracy and economic development went hand in hand. And his country might advertise government of the people, by the people, for the people as a good thing, but when it is not in the interests of the people with most power, it is clearly possible to have too much of this particular good thing.

Sure, Silvio Berlusconi was a bad Italian joke and an international embarrassment, a bit like a repeatedly drunk Boris Yeltsin was to the Russians, but if you believe in democracy you had to accept him because he was elected and still had part of his term to run. But while the really powerful in this world might have chosen to ignore his ''bunga-bungas'' with ''Ruby the Heartbreaker'', they sure acted when it became clear he was also guilty of economic misdemeanours.

Weeks earlier we saw an even more extraordinary exit, of Greek prime minister George Papandreou, after he offended the forces of global capital by simply proposing something that should be totally in keeping with the democratic ideal. Just when the European leaders thought they had stitched up a deal to save their economies, by forcing the Greeks to change their ways, Papandreou proposed asking his people what they thought about it in a referendum. This provoked howls of outrage, terror in the global financial markets and fears of a slump in the world economy.

OK, the Greeks might be slack and averse to paying tax, but this reaction showed that democracy is viewed by the powerful as a threat: good when it produces the right outcome for them; not good when it does not.

Of course, the very word Democracy comes from the Greek demokratia which, in turn, comes from two ancient Greek roots demos (people) and kratos (power).

We are constantly carping at the Chinese that they do not allow their people democratic expression, yet simultaneously the West grits its teeth and captains of industry look on enviously when China appears to have an economic advantage by being able to impose whatever policies are needed for economic advancement, without the inconvenience of asking ordinary people whether they feel disadvantaged.

This trend was clear after global shares rallied on the news that the Greek people would not have the chance to put a spanner in the works by rejecting the terms of the proposed bailout, after all. Phew!

The events in Greece and Italy put into perspective the two great features championed by the wealthy West: a strong democracy and a strong economy. When the economy is threatened, it is democracy that has to take a back seat. Farcical attempts to take action on global warming have shown that the environment, too, must give way when the economy is threatened.

I am not saying the economy is not important. It is vitally important - but so, too, are things like the environment and representative government. Don't we in the preaching, righteous, sanctimonious West risk being stabbed by our own dagger when we applaud the removal of democratically elected leaders (no matter how odious) by groups other than their own voters?

Democracy was supposed to be sacrosanct. Wasn't that what every dust-up since World War II was supposed to be about? Anyone growing up during the Cold War or Vietnam War would have heard democracy invoked as being non-negotiable.

Earlier this month, the 83-year-old American left-wing intellectual Noam Chomsky gave a lecture in a booked-out main hall of the Melbourne Convention Centre. He talked about America's gradual decline in power since World War II and quoted from US government documents reporting how America's leaders had tried to cement their power by supporting dictatorships across the world, when it appeared the aspirations of the local populations might support nationalist governments that worked against American interests.

Chomsky cited the support for the 1965 Suharto coup in Indonesia and for pro-US dictatorships across South America and the Middle East, including the Shah's regime in Iran, whose repression finally exploded into the Islamic revolution of 1979, which the US has ever since opposed.

Maybe we should be honest and call it optional democracy. I am reminded of a passage by American satirist Tom Lehrer in his 1965 song Send the Marines, a force he described as the most effective tool of his country's foreign policy, to use when someone does something America doesn't like. Lehrer's take on democracy went as follows: ''For might makes right, until they've seen the light, they've got to be protected, all their rights respected, until somebody we like can be elected.''

With the cases of Italy and Greece, the US has been in the background and direct pressure has come from European Union heavyweights. But the somebodies they like haven't even been elected.

Geoff Strong is an Age senior writer.

Democracy sometimes can be too much of a good thing