By Roger Bootle 8:40PM GMT 26 Feb 2012
Another week, another euro "solution". According to last week's plan, by 2020 the ratio of Greek national debt to GDP will be down to 120.5pc. You don't really need to know much more to see that we are in cloud cuckoo land.
Greece suffers from both heavy indebtedness and a lack of competitiveness. Attempts to cut back on the debt by austerity alone will deliver misery alone. Photo: AFP
Anyone who is forecasting a debt ratio down to the nearest 0.5pc in 2020 is trying to fool either us or themselves.
We are by now so familiar with Greece's woes that bail-out fatigue has set in. But it is worth looking closely at the key economic numbers and pinching yourself. Since the beginning of 2008, Greek real GDP has fallen by more than 17pc. On my forecasts, by the end of next year, the total fall will be more like 25pc. Unsurprisingly, employment has also fallen sharply, by about 500,000, in a total workforce of about 5 million. The unemployment rate is now more than 20pc.
To put this into perspective, the peak to trough fall in output in the UK has been more like 7pc. A 25pc drop is roughly what was experienced in the US in the Great Depression of the 1930s.
The scale of the austerity measures already enacted makes you wince. In 2010 and 2011, Greece implemented fiscal cutbacks worth almost 17pc of GDP. But because this caused GDP to wilt, each euro of fiscal tightening reduced the deficit by only 50 cents.
So what's the escape route? Greece suffers from both heavy indebtedness and a lack of competitiveness. Attempts to cut back on the debt by austerity alone will deliver misery alone. Only measured austerity combined with economic growth offers a way out. But while Greece is so uncompetitive it is difficult to see where growth will come from. The solution offered by Germany and its allies is that austerity will lead to an internal devaluation, i.e. deflation, which would enable Greece gradually to regain competitiveness.
Yet this proposed solution is a complete non-starter. If austerity succeeds in delivering deflation, then the growth of nominal GDP will be depressed; most likely it will turn negative. In that case, the burden of debt will increase. The only way out of this mess is a combination of default and devaluation, which can accomplish in a flash what it would take many years or even decades of deflation to achieve.
Why can't the European political class that got us into this unholy mess see this? In Greece, there has been so much propaganda over the years about the merits of the euro and the perils of being outside it that both expert and popular opinion can barely see straight. It is true that default and a euro exit could endanger Greece's continued membership of the EU.
More importantly, though, there is a strong element of national pride. For Greece to leave the euro would seem like a national humiliation. Mind you, quite how agreeing to decades of misery under German subjugation allows Greeks to hold their heads high defeats me.
In fact, it is far from unusual for politicians to hang on grimly to the status quo even if it makes them and their citizens unhappy. We British did not decide to leave the ERM in September 1992. We had to be dragged out, kicking and screaming, by George Soros. Similarly, we tried to hang on to the Gold Standard until we were forced off in 1931.
In fact, some eurozone leaders do now actively want Greece to leave. But they cannot be seen to push it out. The idea is to press Greece so far that it leaves of its own accord.
This represents a considerable change from a few months ago. There is now widespread exasperation with Greece and a sense of inevitability that it will come back for more money. Meanwhile, there is increased confidence that, without Greece, the eurozone would be able to shore up the defences around the other troubled members. Accordingly, as and when Greece defaults and departs, many euro-wallahs in Frankfurt and Brussels may breathe a sigh of relief.
But this would be premature. In my view, the greatest threat to the euro is that Greece will make a success of default and devaluation. Something like it has happened several times before, notably with Argentina in 2002, when it defaulted and devalued. The country went from an appalling financial crisis to growing by 11pc in the space of 18 months.
Suppose that once the new drachma has fallen by 30pc to 50pc, Greece begins to show signs of growth. How would it then be possible to persuade the electorate of Spain, Portugal, Italy, and even Ireland, that there is no alternative to years of misery? It is all very well building firewalls to stop financial contagion, but how do you build firewalls around the voters?
Roger Bootle is managing director of Capital Economics.
It may well turn out that we are watching not a Greek but a euro tragedy - Telegraph