Sunday, June 7, 2009

Food feud: woman stabs sister

Posted Fri Jun 5, 2009 4:10pm AEST

A 51-year-old Northern Territory woman has pleaded guilty to stabbing her sister during an argument over a stew.

The Alice Springs Supreme Court heard Kaye Johnson had been drinking with her sister at a house in a Tennant Creek town camp in December 2007 when they started arguing over food.

Johnson admitted to pulling a knife from her handbag and stabbing her sister in the forearm after her sister pushed her.

The prosecutor told the court the stab wound was 10 centimetres long and up to four centimetres deep and was likely to have caused permanent damage if not for medical treatment.

Johnson's lawyer said his client conceded an argument over a stew was a ridiculous reason for the outcome and she accepted responsibility.

Justice Stephen Southwood has remanded her in custody for sentencing next Wednesday.

In the words of The Bard of Avon: Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble.